5 Bad Practices That Are Causing Your Skin To Break Out

Our daily habits can have a significant impact on our skin - for better or for worse. Acne and eczema are two common skin conditions that certain lifestyle choices can aggravate. We don't realize it, but many of these regular habits can introduce bacteria, dirt, and other impurities onto our skin, leading to more inflammation and breakouts. Let's discuss five everyday practices that may be causing your skin problems.


Does Cell Phone Cause Skin Problems?

A clean phone equals happy skin! Have you ever noticed how often you touch your face and phone throughout the day? Not to mention, our phones constantly come into contact with all sorts of surfaces and bacteria. We place them on surfaces in public places, use them for entertainment while in the bathroom, and often let other people use them. Allure.com quotes Dr. Zeicher, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, saying, "I once saw a study showing that our phones have more bacteria on them than a public restroom. (Spruch-Feiner, 2018)"

Our phones are germ magnets, and all of that bacteria eventually ends on our skin.



Wipe down your phone with a disinfectant wipe at least once a day, and try to avoid letting it touch your face. Additionally, using an earpiece is a great idea to mitigate or eliminate the number of times the phone comes in direct contact with your skin. 


Can Makeup Brushes Cause Acne?

Anyone who has ever suffered from a breakout knows that even the slightest blemish can be a source of immense frustration. And while many factors can contribute to breakouts, one often overlooked culprit is dirty makeup brushes.


Over time, makeup brushes collect oils, dead skin cells, and bacteria. When these brushes are used on the face, they can transfer these impurities to the skin, clogging pores and leading to breakouts. In some cases, dirty makeup brushes can also cause skin infections. That's why cleaning your brushes is essential.


For best results, deep clean your brushes at least once a week. And if you suffer from acne, clean them after each use. I prefer to apply products by hand, with cotton swabs or disposable makeup applicators.


Should I Use My Face Cloth More Than Once?

Washing your face is important because it removes dirt, oil, and makeup that can clog pores and lead to breakouts. However, if you are not using a clean washcloth each time you wash your face, you may introduce new bacteria to your skin. According to Abrams, 2017, "...towels offer the perfect environment for bacteria and other microorganisms to grow because they're often damp, warm and absorbent, and they hang in dark bathrooms (Time.com)



Use a fresh washcloth every time you cleanse your skin or use your bare hands.


How Often Should I Change My Pillowcase For Clear Skin?

Many people do not think about the importance of pillowcase cleanliness. But it is one of the easiest ways to prevent breakouts and skin irritation. Pillowcases collect oil, dead skin cells, and hair while you are sleeping. These are then transferred back to your skin night after night. This build-up can clog pores and lead to breakouts. In addition, it can also cause skin irritation and even exacerbate existing skin conditions, like eczema.


Clean or switch your pillowcase at least once per week. Another option is to consider bamboo pillowcases which have antibacterial properties. My personal preference is to use a daily antibacterial fabric spray each morning.


Should I Wash My Face Before or After Shampooing My Hair?

Washing your face after shampooing and conditioning can help to remove any residual products that may clog your pores or irritate your skin. Additionally, many hair care products contain harsh chemicals that can strip the natural oils from your skin, leaving it dry and irritated.



Use a gentle cleanser on your face after shampooing and conditioning your hair.

Awareness of how our every day habits can cause skin problems is essential. From using dirty makeup brushes to not changing our pillowcases often enough, many things we do daily can lead to acne and skin irritation. Following this article's recommendations can help keep your skin clean, clear, and healthy. 

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