How to Combat Acne During the Summer Months

Acne is a universal skin issue that has plagued millions for generations. It can appear in various forms - ranging from pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, and nodules - and is often a frustrating experience to deal with. Unfortunately, the summer months can make acne flare-ups worse, making it especially challenging to maintain clear skin during the hotter months. There are many reasons why summer can increase the visibility of acne, but with the right approach and understanding, it is possible to combat it and keep your skin looking its best all year long.

Summer Heat and Humidity Can Make Acne Worse

Summer may be the season for frolicking outdoors and soaking up the sunshine, but hot weather can undoubtedly wreak havoc on our skin. One of the biggest issues we face during this time of the year is increased oil production, which can lead to unsightly breakouts and clogged pores. With the humidity causing sweat glands to go into overdrive, sebum production also increases, making our skin feel greasy and sticky. Combine that with dust and dead skin cells, and voila! You have a perfect breeding ground for bacteria that cause acne outbreaks. So, paying extra attention to your skin's needs during summer is important, starting with a consistent skincare routine that addresses these issues head-on. We recommend using a recommended skin care regimen morning and night and a gentle cleanse after periods of heavy sweating. 

Your Sunscreen Can Trigger Acne Breakouts


Summer is the perfect time to soak up the sun and enjoy the outdoors. Whether lounging on the beach or hiking in the mountains, sunscreen is vital to your skincare routine. Although sunscreen is necessary to protect your skin from harmful UV rays, it is imperative to be mindful of your type of sunscreen. Some sunscreens can clog pores and lead to acne breakouts, dampening your summer fun. Choosing a non-comedogenic sunscreen that does not block pores or cause breakouts is essential for achieving beautiful and flawless skin this summer. By being careful with your sunscreen choices, you can enjoy the beautiful summer sun without any skin woes. We recommend the Image SkinCare Prevention + Matte Moisturizer or the Clear Solar Gel if you want a primer-like finish.

Acne and Your Summer Diet

Summer is the season of indulgence, with tempting treats and tantalizing dishes everywhere we turn. Unfortunately, all that deliciousness can come at a cost for our skin. As much fun as it is to enjoy all the ice creams, milkshakes, and other sweet summer treats, they can wreak havoc on our skin. In fact, summer diets that are high in sugar, dairy products, and refined carbohydrates can contribute to acne flare-ups. These foods can increase insulin levels, causing inflammation in the skin that can worsen acne. So while it's great to enjoy all the tasty delights of summer, it's important to be mindful of how they affect our skin. Remember, moderation is key and opt for more natural treats like fresh fruits!

Stress Can Trigger Acne Breakouts

Summer should be a time of relaxation and fun, but unfortunately, it can also be stressful. With so many social events, vacations, and travel plans to organize, it's no wonder that stress levels can skyrocket during the summer months. Unfortunately, stress can also contribute to acne flare-ups, which can be frustrating for anyone looking to enjoy their summer with clear skin. This is because when we experience stress, our bodies produce more hormones that can, in turn, increase sebum production. This excess sebum can clog pores and lead to acne breakouts. It's another reason to prioritize stress management techniques like meditation, exercise, and deep breathing during the summer months. And don't forget to get quality sleep!

Summer is a treasured season for many, full of warm weather, relaxation, and outdoor activities. However, summertime can unleash a new wave of skin problems for those who suffer from acne. Being sweaty and covered in sunblock all day, with unhealthy food choices and the season's stress, can all contribute to unsightly breakouts. Luckily, you can take several steps to keep acne at bay during the summer months. From investing in non-comedogenic sunscreen to showering after a sweat session to minimizing unhealthy foods to making time for rest and relaxation, these seemingly small changes can make a big difference in the health of your skin. Take control of your acne and confidently enjoy everything the summer offers.

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