Proper Skin Care Is Conducive to Overall Health


Every morning before going to school, my grandmother would slather my face with lotion followed by vaseline so I wouldn't look ashy.  I used to hate it because I looked like I had been dipped in a pan of Crisco, needless to say, I was not happy as made my way to the bus stop.  Unbeknownst to me, her attempt to beautify my skin was actually helping to keep my skin and body healthy. 

Did you know our skin is the largest organ and is the body's first line of defense? 

According to National Geographic, the average adult has 8lbs or 21 sqft of skin.  When stretched out, it is the equivalent of a standard residential doorway.  Not only is our skin responsible for covering our bones, muscles, nerves etc. and making us look good esthetically, it helps to perform other functions like:

  • Protecting the body from harmful UV rays, irritants, and bacteria.
  • Absorbing  substances, like vitamin D and skincare products
  • Secreting toxins through sweating.
  • Allowing us to feel sensations like feel touch, pain, itch pressure, heat, and cold.
  • Excreting oil to lubricate the skin and hair
  • Regulating body temperature by contracting and expanding blood vessels. 

As you can see, the skin plays a vital role in our everyday lives.  In order for the skin to properly function, it needs to be taken care of daily. That means eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, and using the right products for your skin type.

Today, you will learn how Proper Skin Care Is Conducive to Overall Health and the four basic products you need to take care of your skin.


Cleansing the skin is the first step of a basic skincare regimen.

It helps to remove dirt, oil, makeup, and other impurities from the surface of the skin and prepares the skin to receive other skincare products.  Cleansing should be done morning and night. A common trend I see, is many people are only cleansing in the morning.  That is a big no-no!  Cleansing at night is actually more important so you are not transferring the contaminants to your pillow night after night.

The second step of a basic skincare regimen is toning.

Most people use toners to remove any remaining dirt and impurities from the skin after cleansing. However, their main purpose is to restore the skin's natural pH balance.

Moisturizing is the third step of a basic skincare regimen.

It provides a protective layer to the skin and seals in moisture.  As a result, it is best to complete this step while the face is damp.  One of the common excuses for not using a moisturizer is "it makes my skin oily".  Believe it or not, not using a moisturizer will make your skin more oily and dehydrated.  Why, because you are not sealing in moisture and your body produces more oil in an attempt to compensate for the lack of moisture. if oil is an issue for you, don't skip this step, opt for an oil-free moisturizer. 

The fourth and final step of a basic skincare regimen is sunscreen.

Sunscreen helps to protect the skin from harmful UV rays that can cause damage like premature aging, wrinkles, sunburns, and skin cancer.  One of the common misconceptions is people with darker complexions do not need sunscreen because their skin does not burn. In fact, the darkening of the skin is the body's response to damage caused by to over-exposure to the sun. Studies show the occurrence of skin cancer in darker skin is 1 in 1000, which is significantly lower than in lighter skin.  However, it is often more deadly because it often blends in with the skin and is not easily detected. 

Just like the other organs in our body, the skin plays a major role in our everyday lives.  It is important to take care of our skin by eating healthy, drinking water, and using a daily skincare regimen consisting of cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and applying sunscreen daily. By following these simple steps we can help to prevent damage to the skin and keep it functioning properly for many years to come.

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